Friday, September 4, 2009

Friday September 4 - Reflect on your experiences in this Programm

I think my point of view about the American culture has changed very much, but not completely.
My English has changed to a better one I think.
We have seen many interesting things and I enjoyed most of the trips, but I think it's not very nice, that everyone of use come here and expected anything completely different.
So that we learn technical and business English, that is bad!
But anyway thank you for your engagement!

Tuesday September 3 - what is being taught in your classes

At first I think I learn many different things, but not like I expected before.
Some things like the real classes we had were very good, I liked them, with the make and do, the comma rules and stuff like that because this were things i never really knew before and now I can use this.
I think these things I don't learn differently, but what I learn very differently is to use English in normal life, but i although think I practiced this most on our way with Chuck and Jason.
I enjoyed it very much.
What is very important too, is that I have learned that Americans are very different to Germans in their way of live.
I liked that.
I expected to learn more technical and business English here that is what i find not very nice!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wednesday September 2 - The Culture of Music in America

Yesterday we visited the world famous Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland.

The first thing is that it don't look like a normal museum. When you get in there are some really big guitars, and you can take pictures with it. I liked it very much because I don't like normal stupid museums.

I think that the musicians were presented not very well in the museum. I think it would be better if there were more information about his/her life and music, so this would be more interesting, I think.
In opposite to the musicians the key periods of music history are very well presented in the museum, I think.
The thing with the clothes was funny, but for me a bit to much, so it becomes prevalence and I don't like that.
An other thing was that at the ground floor the walks were very convoluted, and so very confusing.
Maybe they have done these choices so that the people be longer in there.
All in all I liked it.

I think there was not very much said about the role of music in American culture.
The only thing you can maybe realize is that most of the famous musicians are from America, but not all, for example, The Beatles.

I think the musicians are often portrayed as heroes despite their sometimes negative and harmful behaviors because they make it. They have done all for their dreams, and only because of that they become famous, and on the opposite of that it shows how you can slide down after you take-off.
It only shows what being famous can do to you!

See you...

Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday August 31 - Religion in Amerika

I think the Mosque was a bit bigger than what I knew, but really normal in the opposite to Cross Roads! This wasn't a church like I expected to see!!
It was very emotional but not like what I knew. I liked it very much.

I think that is very difficult to compare these two religious institutions, because they are so different, and in the church we see how the people react and the mosque was empty, so we only could imagine.

I think, that the appeal for the Moslem's to go to the mosque is only their religion, and maybe that they can do some sports there, and in Cross Roads it is the whole thing about the emotional things, and the music, too.

I think, that the mosque requires all what they really want, which means that the people live with the religion, what in very much the same like their culture!
I the opposite to this the church requires that the people start to look on all the fear that some people have to live with, and become more sensitive for the pain of others, and want to help!

I think that both of the institutions unite a very large community, but the Cross Roads church maybe more, because it is not all about church, the bible, and pray. You can although come to some community group meetings about very different topics. And maybe so there will be a larger Cincinnati community unite than at the mosque!

Nice greetings...

See you...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Friday August 28 - Medical Care in Amerika

In the children's hospital of Cincinnati we could have a look through some very interesting laboratories.
There they make some tests about chromosomes and genetic defects.
It was very interesting, but sometimes very hard to understand because of the foreign words!
There they make and maybe can help you, or every way they can help you to live better with a genetic defect.

After this we visited Walgreen's.
This is more a drug store than a real pharmacy, I think, because there is mostly everything sold and OK, more pharmacy articles than in a supermarket like Kroger's.
So in Walgreen's you can buy more than 100 kinds of pain relievers, and more than 500 kinds of "Cold and Flu" medicines.
In the high-tech genetics laboratory, you can't buy any medicines, but the tests are much more expensive than, for example, a nicotine patch in Walgreen's.
But in Walgreen's mostly every medical thing is available.
You only have to ask if you don't know which kind of medicines you should take, and some medicines are secured.

What is very important when you buy some medicines is that you have to look for the price because, for example, every sort of Ibuprofen contains the same ingredients you only pay for the name of the pharmacy!

I think I will feel ignored when I can't say what I want them to do with me!

See you...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wednesday August 26 - Cultural Perspectives on the Wall

Today we visited the Ohio University and saw an exhibition about the Berlin wall.
I found it very interesting to go to an exhibition about German history in America, but I was very disappointed about this because it was so small, and if you don't know anything about it you would not understand!
So we didn't learn anything new!

The presentation was not very good, I think. The exhibition was very very small, and I could not understand every picture!

This exhibit is very different! because there was nothing about the history, there were only pictures. I really don't know if there are any international effects of the fall, maintenance, and reconstruction of sections of the Berlin wall because I think that nobody really cares about it, if he didn't live in Germany, but maybe it is a bit daunting to international people. I hope so!

I think that the wall in the minds of most Germans still exist, and in the minds of those born after the wall fell, but not as crazy as it was some years ago.
It only may get better with the years!
See you!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

August 25 - How Children Play and Learn

I think the museum is very different to other museums because the children can play and do some activities, and there are not many texts to read for the children, so for them it is learning by doing, so the curators make many different things for the children that everybody has got something to play with.
The young ones can play with balls, for example, and the older ones can climb in the wood .

I think at the water station, the children should learn something about physics, but I think that they don't really do. For the children, it's more fun, so maybe the children would remember something about this later when there is a situation in which they need something about that, but I think they actually don't really learn something at this time.

I think what is most important about that is that the children would remember about things they have seen in the museum. If they have to read large texts, they are supposed to be disinterested, and the things the children are learning by doing, they would remember a longer time.
If they sit in a classroom, they would be so disinterested about what the teacher says that something like the children's museum is a very welcome alternative!
I like it very much!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Monday August 24 - Language in Ohio and Illinois

I think at first the people in America are all very friendly and helpful.
I think that the people in Cincinnati and Chicago have very different dialects, and the people in Chicago, who don't know where we are from, spoke very fast, but they all spoke relative clearly.
I think in Germany it isn't like that! Mostly everybody speaks very unclearly. And I think the people in America don't use their hands very much when they speak. That is unlike than we in Germany do.
I really do not notice so many differences between how the English and German people speak, and I think that there are not really many cultural insights to learn from the language.
My English has changed in the way that I be more self-confident to speak English, and I can speak faster.
I hope it will be much better after the 3 weeks!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thursday August 20 - The Culture of Food

Today we visited at first the Pipkins store. It was a store where only organic food is sold! The prices are shown not like in a supermarket, so they were written by hand on some little blackboards! The organic food in this store is very expensive! Therefor only people with much money and a real good socio-economic status purchase there.
An other shop is Krogers. It's a normal supermarket with a normal offering. The prices are shown on the little cards on the shelves, and I think they are ok. Everyone can purchase here. It doesn't matter what socio-economic status you have.
After Pipkins we visited Jungle Jims. Its a bit like the German Metro. There mostly everything is sold from all countries! the prices are normal I think, and I've seen people with much money and people without much money, so I think it's better if you have a good socio-economic status.
In every store you have some benefits. In Pipkins you know, that it is the most healthy food you can get! In Krogers you have the cheapest prices, and in Jungle Jims the really biggest offer!
I think the people with the low income don't eat so much healthy food, and people with a higher status can buy more healthful food.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wednesday August 19 - The Cultural Functions of History and Memory

I want to say something about the section about slavery. I found this part very interesting!
In this section there was a big picture. In the middle of the picture was a black woman, who hold her head. For example: in the right high corner was the exportation of the slave people from Africa shown. And on the left side you could see an older woman while she's culling cotton on a field.
On the bottom of the picture you could see how the slaves have been transported.
I think this was very inhuman!
Very shocking for me was, that everyone, what means: men, woman and children where traded into slavery!
An other very heavy thing was the house in which normally 75 persons live! And this wasn't a big house!
Some information more I get is, that they not might know anything about reading, or something like that! They had to work from dark in the morning until dark in the night!
All this means, that they had got no chance to be a real human being! SHOCKING!

I think you could make an accord to the concentration camps in the WWII, but an extreme difference is, that the ones who have been in the concentration camps sometimes only have been there to die! And if not directly they have to work until they die!
They lived in an other way, but as inhuman as the Africans.
All in all, all this is so fearful!

Only a little citation in between: "Often the test of courage is not to die, but to live!" Conte Vittorio Alfieri

About keeping alive disturbing memories I think it's the best way to try never to have again anything like these things!
But you have to contact peoples heart and hope that they found these things fearful too!
If you could make that you could hope that there will never be a WW again, but only if you catch enough hearts!!
And nevertheless there are 27 Million people in slavery today!! And this is horrible!! We really have to do something against it!

When now I had to teach students born long after the events I would consider that they really understand as well as possible, what things like slavery and genocide means to the people!
And I think what is important is, that the students have enough time to grapple with this theme and that they won't be overextended, because it's a very hard theme!

So see you tomorrow with a nicer theme for the blog!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tuesday August 18 - Culutural values in children's texts

Yesterday we have been into the library. I think it's organized in the same way like a library in Germany!

The children's corner was very sweet!! The shelves are much smaller then the other ones for the adults. And the children have the possibility so play a little bit! That's nice! I like that!

Although the children's corner was more friendly with some little pictures on the wall then the corner for the adults.

After this I have chosen two fary tales! The first one was: "The Steadfast Tin Soldier by Hans Christian Andersen", and the second one was: "Fearless Jack illustrated and adapted by Paul Brett Johnson"!

I already new the first one! It's a normal fary tale in Germany. And I've also read this in german, when I was a child.

But the second title said nothing to me. So I started to read...

Now short something about the story...

Jack lived at his moms house. His two brothers not anymore. But they don't have much money.

SO Jacks mum send him to go and find a job, that they have enough money for the winter!

Jack goes and took a bread with... after he has walked a longer time he wants to make a break! So he sat down on a rock and wants to eat... but now there are really much yellow jackets! And he took his bill cap and brung it down.

He counted 10 dead yellow jackets on his sandwich and so he wrote "FEARLES JACK KILLED TEN AT A WHAK" onto his bill cap.

Jack's next stop was a little ghost village and the sherrif told him, that there is a wild old boar! and when he catch this he will get 100$!

He just don't wanted to do this, but on his way to an other village the old boar want's to attac him and so he catches it.
After this he goes to the sheriff and takes his money... while this the sheriff told him about a bear!
So Jack catches this one too. And after this an unicorn. And then he has got so much money that they could live with this a long time!

After I read this story I thought about it and I realised a big similarity to the German fary tale "Das Tapfere Schneiderlein".
I think this was really interesting, that the children in the US read mostly the same story's!
And the illustrations were very good too, because you could understand the story in a better way!
And the language of these books was mostly very easy to understand!

I think that mostly every child would identify with these texts regardless of gender, ethnicity, or social status.

I think that children's texts tell us, that everybody can do everything if he or she wants! You should only try!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Monday August 17 - The first Blog - buildings and landscape

Hi all,
At fist I want to say something about the buildings and the landscape! I think there is everything I can think of! There are really big and crazy buildings, and there are really little ones (where you could think they'll fall down in the next weeks) too. It's the same with the landscape! There are beautiful green oasis and terrible gray sides!
I really don't expected so see so many little houses and fences in the town, but I can't say what I expected to see...
I've said it's like in the American films, but I never thought that it's real!!
I would say, that the area of the university is like a enormous oasis with so much green and so clean, that it is really different from the rest of the town!!
I think, that the really big and great buildings like the high rises are what I expected to see and what reflect most what I knew, or think about the American culture!
Now I've seen some of the (I think typical) American houses! A really big flag of the United States on every house and much green is over here! I like that!
And I am really interested how these houses are looking inside!! Because I think they aren't really big!
But this will be a mystery=)
All in all I like the American houses! And all the others are interesting!!
I love this much green everywhere!
See you...