Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tuesday August 18 - Culutural values in children's texts

Yesterday we have been into the library. I think it's organized in the same way like a library in Germany!

The children's corner was very sweet!! The shelves are much smaller then the other ones for the adults. And the children have the possibility so play a little bit! That's nice! I like that!

Although the children's corner was more friendly with some little pictures on the wall then the corner for the adults.

After this I have chosen two fary tales! The first one was: "The Steadfast Tin Soldier by Hans Christian Andersen", and the second one was: "Fearless Jack illustrated and adapted by Paul Brett Johnson"!

I already new the first one! It's a normal fary tale in Germany. And I've also read this in german, when I was a child.

But the second title said nothing to me. So I started to read...

Now short something about the story...

Jack lived at his moms house. His two brothers not anymore. But they don't have much money.

SO Jacks mum send him to go and find a job, that they have enough money for the winter!

Jack goes and took a bread with... after he has walked a longer time he wants to make a break! So he sat down on a rock and wants to eat... but now there are really much yellow jackets! And he took his bill cap and brung it down.

He counted 10 dead yellow jackets on his sandwich and so he wrote "FEARLES JACK KILLED TEN AT A WHAK" onto his bill cap.

Jack's next stop was a little ghost village and the sherrif told him, that there is a wild old boar! and when he catch this he will get 100$!

He just don't wanted to do this, but on his way to an other village the old boar want's to attac him and so he catches it.
After this he goes to the sheriff and takes his money... while this the sheriff told him about a bear!
So Jack catches this one too. And after this an unicorn. And then he has got so much money that they could live with this a long time!

After I read this story I thought about it and I realised a big similarity to the German fary tale "Das Tapfere Schneiderlein".
I think this was really interesting, that the children in the US read mostly the same story's!
And the illustrations were very good too, because you could understand the story in a better way!
And the language of these books was mostly very easy to understand!

I think that mostly every child would identify with these texts regardless of gender, ethnicity, or social status.

I think that children's texts tell us, that everybody can do everything if he or she wants! You should only try!!

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