Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wednesday August 19 - The Cultural Functions of History and Memory

I want to say something about the section about slavery. I found this part very interesting!
In this section there was a big picture. In the middle of the picture was a black woman, who hold her head. For example: in the right high corner was the exportation of the slave people from Africa shown. And on the left side you could see an older woman while she's culling cotton on a field.
On the bottom of the picture you could see how the slaves have been transported.
I think this was very inhuman!
Very shocking for me was, that everyone, what means: men, woman and children where traded into slavery!
An other very heavy thing was the house in which normally 75 persons live! And this wasn't a big house!
Some information more I get is, that they not might know anything about reading, or something like that! They had to work from dark in the morning until dark in the night!
All this means, that they had got no chance to be a real human being! SHOCKING!

I think you could make an accord to the concentration camps in the WWII, but an extreme difference is, that the ones who have been in the concentration camps sometimes only have been there to die! And if not directly they have to work until they die!
They lived in an other way, but as inhuman as the Africans.
All in all, all this is so fearful!

Only a little citation in between: "Often the test of courage is not to die, but to live!" Conte Vittorio Alfieri

About keeping alive disturbing memories I think it's the best way to try never to have again anything like these things!
But you have to contact peoples heart and hope that they found these things fearful too!
If you could make that you could hope that there will never be a WW again, but only if you catch enough hearts!!
And nevertheless there are 27 Million people in slavery today!! And this is horrible!! We really have to do something against it!

When now I had to teach students born long after the events I would consider that they really understand as well as possible, what things like slavery and genocide means to the people!
And I think what is important is, that the students have enough time to grapple with this theme and that they won't be overextended, because it's a very hard theme!

So see you tomorrow with a nicer theme for the blog!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marlen,

    I like your point about slavery being a very difficult topic to discuss, but as we said today, maybe it is necessary to talk about? I agree with your description of the large mural at the beginning of the exhibit, it was very impressive.

    See you tomorrow,
